CPSE Seminars

The Sargent Centre has been running a successful Seminar Series for many years and each year we invite distinguished national and international experts to the Centre. The Sargent Centre Seminar Series video recordings are available and can be downloaded.  


2019 CPSE Seminar Series

SpeakersTitle and AbstractsSeminar Date

Professor Rafiqul Gani (Technical University of Denmark)

Abstract: Professor Rafiqul Gani (Technical University of Denmark)

Synthesis, design and analysis of energy efficient sustainable process alternatives

13 February 2019, 11am

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Michail Georgiadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Abstract: Professor Michail Georgiadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Recent Developments in the Optimisation of Energy and Production Systems

13 March 2019, 3pm

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Iqbal Mujtaba (University of Bradford)

Abstract: Professor Iqbal Mujtaba (University of Bradford)‌‌‌

‌Water - The Global Challenge and Everybody’s Business: Social & Technological Perspective

20 March 2019, 3pm

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Marianthi Ierapetritou (Rutgers University)

Abstract: Professor Marianthi Ierapetritou (Rutgers University)

Surrogate-Based Modeling and Optimization for Advanced Decision Making


27 March 2019, 11am

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Daniel Kuhn (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)

Abstract: Professor Daniel Kuhn (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)‌‌‌‌

Data-Driven  Distributionally Robust Optimization

10 April 2019, 11am

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Costas Pantelides (Process Systems Enterprise and Imperial College London)

Abstract: Professor Costas Pantelides (PSE and Imperial College)

Digitalization in the process industries: substance beyond the hype?

1 May 2019, 11am


CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Ana Barbosa-Povoa (University of Lisbon)

Abstract: Professor Ana Barbosa-Povoa (University of Lisbon)

How to Design and Planning Supply Chain Towards Sustainability Goals?


22 May 2019, 11am

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building




CPSE Ad Hoc Seminars


SpeakersTitle and AbstractsSeminar Date

Professor Daniel R. Lewin, Technion

Abstract: Professor Daniel R. Lewin, Technion

Flip your Class!

6th August2019, 10am
CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Maurizio Zollo

New Imperial Business School initiative on Sustainability

26 June 2019, 10:30am

Lecture Theatre 3, ACEX


Dr Radoslav Paulen, Slovak University of Technology    

Abstract: Dr Radoslav Paulen (Slovak University of Technology)

Optimal Control of Membrane Diafiltration Processes

25 June 2019, 11:00am

Lecture Theatre 3, ACEX

Professor Michael Henson

Building Metabolic Models of Human Microbiota to Probe Community Composition and Species Interactions


12 March 2019, 11:30am

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Christos Georgakis, Tufts University

Advanced Design of Experiments Methodologies for Enhanced Process Understanding

24 October 2018, 15:00pm

Lecture Theatre 2, ACEX

Ahmet Palazoglu (Technical University of Denmark)

Abstract: Ahmet Palazoglu (Technical University of Denmark)

A new design paradigm to address demand response objectives in process systems

12 October 2018, 12:00pm

Lecture Theatre 1, ACEX

Professor S. Pushpavanam (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

Abstract: Professor S. Pushpavanam (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

Physical insights into multiphase flows in micro-fluidics

3 May 2018, 3pm

Lecture Theatre 2, ACEX 203




2018 CPSE Seminar Series

SpeakersTitle and AbstractsSeminar Date
Professor Jordi Bascompte (University of Zurich)

Abstract: Professor Jordi Bascompte (University of Zurich)

Plant-Animal Mutualistic Networks: The Architecture of biodiversity

14 February 2018, 11am

CPSE Seminar Room, C615 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Roger Guimera (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Abstract: Professor Roger Guimera (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

Network Modeling and Network Inference for Prediction: From Movie Recommendations to Strategic Decision Making

21 March 2018, 11am

CPSE Seminar Room, C615 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Mark A. J. Huijbregts (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Abstract: Professor Mark A. J. Huijbregts (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Size Scaling in Ecological and Industrial Systems

25 April 2018, 11am

CPSE Seminar Room, C615 Roderic Hill Building

 Stefanie Hellweg (ETH Zurich)  

Abstract: Stefanie Hellweg (ETH Zurich)

Environmental optimization of wood resource use

3 May 2018, 11am

Lecture Theatre 3, 333 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Fengqi You (Cornell University)

Abstract: Professor Fengqi You (Cornell University)

When Machine Learning Meets Robust Optimization:Data-Driven Adaptive Robust Optimization Models,Algorithms & Applications

23 May 2018, 10am

Lecture Theatre 3, 333 Roderic Hill Building

Professor Uwe Sauer (ETH Zurich)

Abstract: Professor Uwe Sauer (ETH Zurich)

Coordination of Microbial Metabolism

20 June 2018, 11am

Lecture Theatre 3, 333 Roderic Hill Building




2018 CPSE Ad Hoc Seminars


SpeakersTitle and AbstractsSeminar Date
 Professor Christos Georgakis, Tufts University

Advanced Design of Experiments Methodologies for Enhanced Process Understanding

24 October 2018, 15:00pm

Lecture Theatre 2, ACEX

Ahmet Palazoglu (Technical University of Denmark)

Abstract: Ahmet Palazoglu (Technical University of Denmark)

A new design paradigm to address demand response objectives in process systems

12 October 2018, 12:00pm

Lecture Theatre 1, ACEX

Professor S. Pushpavanam (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

Abstract: Professor S. Pushpavanam (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

Physical insights into multiphase flows in micro-fluidics

3 May 2018, 3pm

Lecture Theatre 2, ACEX 203



2017 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

SpeakerTitle and Abstracts Seminar Date

Professor Ignacio E. Grossmann (Carnegie Mellon University)

Abstract - Professor Ignacio E. Grossmann
New developments in flexibility analysis and global optimization

24 February 2017

Dr Jie Li (The University of Manchester)

Abstract - Dr Jie Li                                                                                   
Data-Driven Mathematical Modeling and Global Optimization Framework for Integrated Petroleum and Petrochemical Planning Operations
8 March 2017

Dr. Xiaoxia “Nina” Lin (University of Michigan -Ann Arbor)

Abstract - Dr Xiaoxia “Nina” Lin
Elucidating and Engineering Microbial Communities: Systems and Synthetic Biology Approaches
5 April 2017
Professor Vassily Hatzimanikatis
(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) -Laboratory of Computational Systems Biotechnology
Abstract - Professor Vassily Hatzimanikatis                                                               Concepts and Methods from Chemical Reaction Engineering and Process Sys-tems Engineering for Exploring and Managing Metabolic Complexity 26 April 2017

Professor Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos (Texas A&M)

Abstract - Professor Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos                                        
Towards the grand unification of model-based design, control and scheduling

17 May 2017

Professor Costas D. Maranas(The Pennsylvania State of University) Abstract - Professor Costas D. Maranas
Using systems engineering tools to elucidate and redesign biological networks 
7 June 2017

2017 CPSE Ad Hoc Seminars

SpeakerTitle and Abstracts Seminar Date
Professor Venkat Venkatasubramanian (Columbia University) Abstract -Professor Venkat Venkatasubramanian
How Much Income Inequality is Fair? Surprising insights from Statistical Thermodynamics and Game Theory
23 November 2017
Professor G.V. Rex Reklaitis     (Purdue University) Abstract - Professor G.V. Rex Reklaitis
Contributions & Challenges for Process Systems Engineering in Healthcare
20 November 2017
Professor Yaroslav Sergeyev (University of Calabria) Absract - Professor Yaroslav Sergeyev                                                        Lipschitz global optimization  22 February 2017
Dr Yousef Alshammari (University of Vienna) Abstract - Dr Yousef Alshammari
Achieving deep cuts in CO2 emissions in oil producing countries: the Case of Saudi Arabia 
13 January 2017
Professor Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (Carnegie Mellon University) Abstract - Professor Chrysanthos E. Gounaris                                    
Mathematical optimization for process operations and materials design 
21 November 2017

Historical Seminar Series Programmes

2016 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

2015 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

2014 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

2013 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

2012 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

2011 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

Sargent Centre has been running a successful Seminar Series for many years and each year we invite distinguished national and international experts to the Centre. The seminars are put together by:

Sargent Centre Staff

Sargent Centre Reps

Industrial Consortium Members can propose speakers and topics of research that interest them by contacting their company's Academic Friend. The Sargent Centre Seminar Series video recordings are available and can be downloaded.  

The theme for this year’s seminar series is “Manufacturing the Future: Industry, Biology & Mathematics”. Due to the College closure regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19),  the seminars will now take place online. 

 2021 Sargent Centre Seminar Series


SpeakersTitle and AbstractsSeminar Date

Dr Brahim Benyahia (Loughborough University)

A PSE roadmap for the design optimisation and control of the next generation single and integrated continuous pharmaceutical processes 

1 March 2021 at 13:00


Dr Dimitrios Gerogiorgis (University of Edinburgh)

Process Optimisation for Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in Industry 4.0


21 April 2021


Professor Constantinos Theodoropoulos (University of Manchester)

Integrated Systems Approach for Optimizing the Sustainable Bioproduction of Biofuels and Added-Value Chemicals: 
The Microalgal Biorefinery Paradigm 

12 May 2021 at 13:00


Professor Meihong Wang (University of Sheffield) 

Systems Engineering for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)


26 May 2021 at 13:00


Dr Eirini Velliou (University College London)

Manufacturing Robust High Throughput Tools For Cancer Screening - A Case Study On Pancreatic Cancer

23 June 2021


Professor Sarah Waters (University of Oxford)


June 2021





CPSE Ad Hoc Seminars


SpeakersTitle and AbstractsSeminar Date

Dr Nimir O. Elbashira

(Texas A&M University Energy Institute)


Abstract: Dr Nimir O. Elbashira (Texas A&M University Energy Institute)

Development of a Novel Natural Gas Processing Technology Utilizing CO2

14 October 2019, 10am

CPSE Seminar Room, C617 Roderic Hill Building



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